The delineations between bodies, the past and the present, the individual and the species are often difficult to locate. The voice of multitudes curls tightly in the double helix of every creature and the mysterious force of instinct shapes inexplicable behavior.

Most strange to contemporary sensibility are the self-sacrificial impulses of many creatures, who value to perpetuation of species over survival of the individual, or the interlocking dependencies of species: a curved beak perfect to harvest the nectar of only one flower.

Calibrated so exquisitely, each living thing occupies its niche, much like the compositional structure of these drawings, where each element is enveloped by its neighbor, making room for one another, even for death. Yet the mortality inherent in the natural world does not erase, but instead transforms. The Madagascar Suicide Palm tree may expire in its energetic effort to produce an efflorescence of over a million blooms, but it lives on, multiplied, in the uncertain fate of as many seeds